Our Hunts

Varmints & Predators

Coyote Hunt

Colorado boasts some of the best coyote hunting in the United States. With a large population of coyotes and a lot of land to hunt them, Sangre De Cristo Outfitters offers the ideal destination to call coyotes.

In Colorado coyotes are classified as a game species and may be taken year round with either a small game or a furbearer license. These tags are available for purchase over the counter.

Contact us here and we will customize a coyote, prairie dog, or combination hunt for your group.

Coyote Hunts - Outfitters in Colorado
Prairie Dog Hunt in Colorado

Prairie Dog Hunt

Bring your small bore rifle/rifles, plenty of rounds of ammunition and hone your marksmanship skills while hunting prairie dogs with Sangre De Cristo Outfitters on private land. We will set you up near a prairie dog town on shooting benches where you will have the opportunity to shoot for hours. A suppressor is highly recommended! Prairie dogs can be taken year round on private land and licenses are available for purchase over the counter.

Contact us here and we will customize a coyote, prairie dog, or combination hunt for your group.

Experience Colorado Elk
Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep

plus Mule Deer, Antelope, Mountain Lion, Black Bear, Merriam's Turkey, Varmit / Predator hunting

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Members of AgSearch.us. Website and hosting by Hale Multimedia.